While reading the book, They Smell Like Sheep, by Lynn Anderson, I started thinking about how the shepherds of the first century tended their sheep.

shepherd.jpg They had to lead and care for the sheep every day, and on many occasions, even sleep and live with their sheep. Because of their living closely with the sheep they could not help but begin to smell like the sheep. When they had to pick foreign objects such as burrs out of their wool, care for any wounds or put salve on them to protect against flies or other bothersome insects, sheer them at certain times of the year, and even carry weak, sick, or infant sheep, they would of necessity begin to smell like them.

In John 10, Jesus describes himself as the “Good Shepherd”. At night the shepherd would lead the sheep to an enclosure that was built to keep the sheep safe at night and often the shepherd would sleep in the doorway and would literally become “the door of the sheep”. Because of the shepherd’s love, care and protection the sheep would feel safe and follow the shepherd anywhere. Each sheep would have a name and would feel uniquely close to his or her shepherd.

This gives me comfort knowing that as a spiritual sheep I have a loving, caring and protective Shepherd in our Lord. One who looks out for our good and one who smells like his sheep, that is he is not distant but is near to everyone of us. Just prior to Jesus’ ascension he promised in Matthew 28:20 “…I will be with you always, even to the end of the world”.

Just as the shepherds of the first century wanted the very best for their sheep, to provide and protect them from as many problems as possible, in the same way our “Good Shepherd” wants the very best for us. In fact in John 10:10 Jesus says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

Just something to think about!

Harvey Schultz

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Filed under Christianity, Church, Good Shepherd, Religion

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